With the gradual popularity of luxury market, leather goods such as exquisite and elegant bags and leather covers are sought after by large audiences. People no longer only regard the source of leather materials as the only standard to measure the value of the goods, but also consider the design concept, production methods and Technological Uses of the goods. At present, with regard to the trend of diversification, high-end and popularization of leather products market, many manufacturers are going to meet this change. From the change of production methods, the transformation of production mode, to the replacement of machinery and equipment, there are obvious signs of change. In order to maintain this trend, leather cutting machine is particularly important 。
Computer numerical control machine technology has been widely used in leather industry since its birth. The cutting, carving and hollowing of bags, gloves, uppers, leather hats and other leather products are inseparable from the computer leather cutting machine. The advanced technology and modern processing mode of the cutting machine are enough to lead the trend of the whole leather industry. As a large leather country, leather products have become people's daily life As a part of our daily life, it is reasonable that leather cutting machine should be paid so much attention to.
The reason why CNC machine is so popular is reasonable. In the past, when some leather processing machines were cutting, carving and hollowing out leather products, there would always be yellow and black cutting section, burning and stinking on the carving surface. What's more, when hollowing out leather products, the accuracy of the machine itself could not meet the processing requirements, resulting in hollowed out patterns and flowers The striation is not clear, the surface has dark spots and other fuzzy phenomena, and the production is rough. It is far from the imagination that it is exquisite and perfect. Therefore, once the computer numerical control machine enters this line, it will be treated so politely for a reason.
Yida CNC machine has good stability, high precision and fast cutting speed, which are very important for leather industry. Whether it is the stability of the cutting machine, its accuracy or even its cutting speed, it may cause a small storm in the leather industry. Because the competitive pressure in the leather market is too great. If we can't grasp the advantages, even a little, we may be swept away by heavy waves and lost in the crowd.
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